*Manav Seva Trust (Regd.)* organized a free dental checkup camp at Government Primary Girls school, Bhigaan, Sonepat

A ‘Dental Health Checkup cum Treatment Camp’ was organized at Government Girls Primary School, Bhigaan Sonepat. On this occasion, President of Manav Sewa Trust Shri Sumeet Alakh, Mahender Vashisht – Vice President, Rakesh Sharma – Honorary General Secretary, Rajkumar Sardana – Co Chairman (Medical Camp), Amongst Doctors Dr Girish Khurana (BDS, M, IDA, Dentist), Dr. Rajat Tuli (Dentist) , Dr. Manoj Kumar (Dentist) were present for their services along with Pawan Sharma, MG Ranjan, Sunil Musafir and Sarpanch representative Ramphal were present. All the guests were welcomed by giving them saplings. All the senior and experienced doctors examined the teeth of the people and suggested appropriate solutions to their problems and gave free medicines. Free blood pressure, tooth paste, free medicines, BP, Blood Sugar and hemoglobin were also tested free of cost.

Shri Sumeet Alakh, President, Manav Sewa Trust – Regd. expressed his gratitude to Shri Palaram, MD VSP Enterprises Private Limited for providing school venue with lunch at Haveli and represented as support partner. He also thanked Shri Nakul (from Dr. Lal Pathlab), for free bood check up.